German Club
The German Club is a student led organization where everyone can come together to experience parts of the German culture through a variety of different ways. We strive to immerse ourselves in the culture which not only helps us learn the language but also provides us with experiences prior to going abroad. The German Club is a great way to connect with many other people; including students; that stem from all across the world and come from a wide variety of backgrounds. No matter your major, year or what language you speak or study; all are welcome to come and learn a bit about the german culture!
The German Club has it's own channel on the German at URI discord server. You haven't signed up for the community, yet? Click here to join now.

Matthew Cecchini
Hallo Alle! Ich heiße Matthew Cecchini und ich bin der Präsident des German Club. I am a fourth year IEP student studying electrical engineering and German. I am from a small town called Freehold located in central New Jersey. I enjoy many outdoor activities including biking, hiking, canoeing, archery and my favorite: cooking. I am looking forward to growing the German Club community, making many new friends and sharing countless memories with them!

Vice President
Hallo! My name is Rachael Bjorn and I am the vice president of German Club! I am a junior studying Mechanical Engineering and German with the International Engineering Program. I’m from North Kingstown, RI and love to read and draw. I am looking forward to building the German Club into something that will be fun for everyone!

Hey y’all! My name is Matthew O’Donnell, I am a second year student studying Chemical Engineering and German. I am a part of the IEP and the German Club’s treasurer. I was born in Syracuse, New York but I am technically from Grafenwoehr, Germany. I am a military BRAT, that’s why I say technically, meaning I’ve lived in 6 six different states and two countries. Some of my hobbies include, playing video games, reading comic books/manga, watching anime/movies, or running. I can’t wait to meet you all!

Faculty Advisor
Hallo! Ich heiße Karina Lammert und ich komme aus Deutschland. I am a Lecturer of German, a DAAD Visiting Professor and the Faculty Advisor for the German club. Before coming to URI in the fall of 2018, I worked at Paderborn University in Germany. I earned my MA and my PhD in linguistics from Paderborn University and as an undergrad, I spent some time studying abroad in Michigan. I enjoy music (live music in particular), movies, and hiking. I am excited about cultural exchange, languages, and being a part of the German club at URI!